We are your global partner for state-of-the-art mixing and injection technology. Wherever building sites, rock, anchorages or tunnel constructions need to be reinforced or sealed we are at work.
Häny AG • Buechstrasse 20 • CH-8645 Jona/Switzerland
Phone: +41 44 925 41 11
Fax: +41 44 923 62 45
Email: info@haeny.com
Web: www.haeny.com
HAENY HCM High Shear mixers (colloidal mixers) for Cement, ultra-fine Cement, Bentonite and other admixtures.
The HRW agitators are used as holding tanks between the HCM batch mixers and the pump. In the slowly revolving agitator, the grout suspensions are homogenized and possible air bubbles removed.
The INJECTO-COMPACT (IC) grout plants consist of a HCM High Shear Mixer, a HRW Agitator and a ZMP Grout Pump.